Mar 18, 2008

For All The Bookworms Out There

I was captivated by an entertaining novel today and it occurred to me that it would be a good idea to talk about some of our favorite books and thus spread the love of reading. Me first! Me first!!! (ok, now I realized I'm talking to myself and a little bit freaked out).

Let's see, recently I've been indulging on the Julia Quinn novels and I must admit they are so entertaining. For those who don't know about this author, her stories show resemblance towards Jane Austen but in a more humorous way. I started to read these books as a guilty pleasure but now I think that reading this kind of light-hearted books from time to time is a good way to ease your mind and have couple of laughs while you are at it. I mean, it won't hurt to give a break on reading Jack Kerouac on account of enjoying one of these novels :)

Moving on, I'm having a shortage of enough bookmarks right now. So here is how ETF coped with this bitter situation:

It is called "Farewell My Heart", isn't it lovely?

Sold Out

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